
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Tantric Sex - should I try?


You never lived moments of sexual ecstasy?

How it make you feel?

Intense sexual experiences are one of our largest sources of pleasure and joy.

And yet, sex is often seen with an equal measure of fear and fascination... We can wish to be touched with all fully, yet fear our own vulnerability. We can crave intimacy sexual of the very essence of our being, yet also take great care to avoid that it which we long to rekindle the passion lost, but forgot how to light the fire.

The word Tantra means - show, show and weaving, to expand. In this context, sex is thought to extend awareness and weaving together the polarities of the man and woman, in the harmony of one.

What is the Tantra?

Although Tantra has long been practiced in many Eastern cultures, it is just beginning to flourish in the West. He was born in India more than 6,000 years. Organized religion, which ruled that sexuality must fail to reach lights caused Tantra which has emerged as a rebellion against this path.

By practicing the Tantra, we retrieve the sexual intimacy which is our right of primogeniture. This ancient art, gives us the tool to discover new joys of eroticism and drill simple moments of sexual ecstasy a lifetime of bliss sexual. Our way of life, modern Western full of constraints, fears and distractions on a daily basis threaten both relations. The age-old practice of the Tantra shows us how to open our emotions, our sexuality and our hearts.

Tantra is challenging acetic beliefs, claiming that Earth's pleasures, such as food, dance, and creative expression are sacred acts, and that sexuality is a gateway to the divine.

To benefit from the sexual wisdom of this art former couples must adopt the Tantric pantheon. A Tantric tsunami is not necessary. Simple tantric sexual practices to revels we how to extend the Act of making love and energy much more efficiently powerful orgasmic.

Tantra is health improvement. It is well known by now that sexual energy is one of the most powerful energies for the creation of health. When we use sexual energy conscious... we are entering a true source of youth and vitality, and longevity.

How Tantric Sex is Unique?

We are looking for sex, to the West as a source of entertainment rather than as a means of transformation. Our goal is to reach orgasm rather than pleasure our lover or connect with him or her more fully. This is how Tantric Sex is so unique and the evolution of life.

You can go here to give females orgasm!